
Aquaculture ropes and nets

The consortium brings together five partners from three European member states: Spain, Belgium and Ireland to provide the complementary skills and expertise to achieve the project objectives.

The project is coordinated by AZTI, a research institute that meets the required expertise and leading view of the main challenges of the blue marine economy along its value chain. The rest of the partnership is composed by two research institutions: GAIKER and CENTEXBEL, who will be involved in the design of the rope prototypes and develop them at lab and preindustrial scale, so that ITSASKORDA, a rope manufacturing SME, can manufacture the rope prototypes which will be validated in demonstrations of mussel and IMTA cultures at sea. The final partner ERINN Innovation will maximise the impact and transferability of the project results by putting in place a dissemination and communication strategy to ensure the awareness of different stakeholders on the project results. ERINN will also ensure that the knowledge generated within the project is transferred to the right stakeholders.

Overview of Partners