BIOGEARS on euronews
Published 05/05/2021
In April 2021 the crew from euronews visited the project in Mutriku, northern Spain. The crew met with project partners from AZTI, GAIKER and ITSASKORDA who highlighted the need for biobased rope production and our process of developing the ropes, which aim to meet the industry needs.
The crew also met local entrepreneur, Imanol Gurruchaga who runs an open-water mussel farm where mussels are grown on long ropes, suspended underwater and who will be involved in the pilot testing of our biogears ropes. Imanol spoke of the urgent need for biobased solutions to the currently used non-recyclable plastic ropes.
The result of this visit was the feature of the BIOGEARS project on the “Ocean” Euronews’ monthly TV series in partnership with DG MARE. You can watch the feature here:
You can also read the full news article by Denis Loctier from euronews here.
Thank you to the euronews team!
Last edited 05/05/2021