GENIALG Final Conference
Monday, November 30 2020 | @ All Day – Monday, November 30 2020 | Online

GENIALG is a Horizon 2020 funded, four-year Blue Growth project. The final conference will present the project’s latest innovative seaweed research and its application to seaweed cultivation and biorefinery.
An international, one-day, open-door, final conference organised by the GENIALG project. GENIALG has carried out extensive research on all aspects of seaweed to support the development of the seaweed sector, aiming for a sustainable utilisation and processing of seaweed into high value compounds.
Anyone with an interest in seaweed research is invited to join us to hear everything you need to know about:
✔ Diversifying and expanding the exploitation of seaweed into high value compounds for human and animal food, plant care, biomaterials, cosmetics and green chemistry
✔ High-yielding seaweed cultivation systems
✔ Production and sustainable exploitation of brown alga Saccharina latissima (sugar kelp) and green alga Ulva spp. (sea lettuce)
✔ Economic feasibility and environmental sustainability of cultivating and refining seaweed biomass
✔ Impact of seaweed exploitation on the environment, economy and society.
To learn more about the project please visit the GENIALG website.
Last edited 14/01/2021