AZTI is a non-profit foundation (Technological Research Centre) in the Basque Country (Spain). AZTI staff work through two major research divisions: Marine Research and Food Research. Since 1979, AZTI has been working with a large number of stakeholders from companies, institutions and government bodies, carrying out research projects aimed at generating knowledge and high value-added market-oriented technological products and services to turn ideas into value for our customers. The Marine Research Division (MRD) of AZTI is expert in the research of sustainable fisheries management, marine ecosystems functioning, coastal environmental management, and efficient use of marine resources. The MRD devotes great effort in the research areas of Fishing Technology, Fisheries Management, Marine Biotechnology, Aquaculture, Ecosystem and Climate Change and Operational Oceanography. AZTI has also participated in the definition and elaboration of the Basque Aquaculture Strategy Plan. AZTI’s studies on the area validated the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of producing mussel in an offshore area which was later declared as a Mollusc Production Area by the Basque Government.
Leire Arantzamendi (Project Coordinator)
Leire is the BIOGEARS Project Coordinator and WP4 leader on field demonstration tests for validation of prototype biobased ropes at sea. She’s also working on the assessment of new value chains, potential market uptake and the economical sustainability assessment for biobased gears developed under the project. Leire holds a PhD in Marine Sciences-Aquaculture from ULPGC (Spain) and a International MSc in Aquaculture. She has over 15 years experience in aquaculture and aquaculture products, and been working as senior researcher over 10 years in AZTI giving scientific and legal advice to the Basque Government for the development of strategies for the aquaculture sector, and working on projects for the development of aquaculture industry through species diversification in inland in RAS (sole) and offshore longline facilities (bivalve mollusc species).
Oihane Erkoreka
Oihane gives support to the Project Coordinator in WP1 Project Management with the administrative and financial coordination of the project. She works at the Project Office at AZTI and she is focused on the European projects led by AZTI
Amaia Barrena
Amaia gives support to the Project Coordinator in WP1 Project Management with administrative and financial issues. She is responsible for the Project Office at AZTI with more than 15 years of experience with European programmes like H2020, LIFE or structural funds like EMFF, FEDER or FEADER.